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Group Parent Training Project

Project end date: April 30, 2025

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This study by University of British Columbia will investigate the association between implementation of a group parent training model of family centred positive behaviour support (FCPBS) delivered via telepractice and: (a) improvements in child behaviours that challenge and positive engagement across the day with family members; and (b) global improvements in child and family functioning. Six families of children with autism will participate. Two facilitators will conduct a 14-week group parent training workshop on universal positive behaviour supports. Parents will record data on: (a) child behaviours that challenge; and (b) child positive engagement. Parents also will complete questionnaires on global family and child functioning. See the Study Flyer for details.

If you are interested in participating the study, please contact the principal investigator, Dr. Joseph Lucyshyn at [email protected] or Erin Badduke at [email protected].