ACT offers programs for educational and residential settings, including guidance on implementing Practical Functional Assessment/Skills-Based Treatment, training on Universal Protocol for behavior support, and a three-day course on Managing Distressed Behaviour, aimed at fostering inclusive environments, addressing challenging behaviors, and promoting safety and empathy among staff and students.
To arrange an exploratory meeting and learn about availability and pricing, please book an appointment with ACT’s Community Liaison Officer here.
Have questions about our programs? Please email [email protected] or contact us.
Practical Functional Assessment/Skills-Based Treatment
Our credentialed supervisor can help you design and implement treatment extensions with guidance and intermittent supervision. Supporting Practical Functional Assessment with Skill-Based Treatment (PFA-SBT) in educational settings is paramount for promoting inclusive and effective behavior support strategies. By incorporating PFA-SBT into schools, educators can better understand the root causes of behaviors that challenge, and tailor interventions accordingly, fostering a positive learning environment for all students. This approach empowers teachers with the tools and support needed to address behavior proactively, ultimately improving student outcomes and promoting a culture of empathy and understanding. Moreover, PFA-SBT encourages collaboration among educators, administrators, and support staff, ensuring a coordinated effort to meet the diverse needs of students and promote their overall well-being.
To arrange an exploratory meeting and learn about availability and pricing, please book an appointment with ACT’s Community Liaison Officer here.
Universal Protocol Implementation and Support
Our credentialed supervisor can help you learn and apply the Universal Protocol, which serves as a foundational tool to rebuild rapport and eradicate unsafe behaviors. By establishing a standardized framework, it provides a common ground for communication and understanding between individuals and support providers. This shared protocol ensures trust by focusing on essential demands in rebuilding rapport. Moreover, by emphasizing safety and consistency, universal protocol creates a secure environment conducive to effectively addressing and modifying unsafe behaviors. It serves as a starting point for intervention, guiding the process of behavior support with clarity and structure. Through the implementation of universal protocol, individuals can feel supported and empowered to navigate challenges while maintaining a sense of safety while ensuring dignity, rapport and televisibility.
To arrange an exploratory meeting and learn about availability and pricing, please book an appointment with ACT’s Community Liaison Officer here.
Managing Distressed Behavior for Professionals: Using Low Arousal Approaches
This in-person course, presented by ACT in partnership with Studio 3 Canada, is crafted to underscore practical, non-confrontational methods for both preventing and aiding individuals at risk of or encountering significant distress while displaying behaviors that may be challenging. Attendees will delve into an array of topics including an Introduction to Low Arousal Approaches, encompassing interaction, defusing, and distraction strategies, alongside an exploration of Debriefing: its necessity and techniques. Legal considerations and policy roles will be explained, as well as a discussion of the qualitative distinctions in the nature of violence. Participants will gain insights into carers’ tolerance levels and responses to distressed behavior, understanding the causes behind such behavior, while acquiring strategies for effectively coping with and managing behaviors of concern.
Day 1: Understanding the nature of aggression expressed by people with learning difficulties; your reactions and tolerances to behaviour of concern; understanding causes of behaviour of concern; an introduction to the: Low Arousal Approaches (including interaction, defusing and distraction strategies); an introduction to debriefing (why it is necessary and how to do it).
Day 2: The second day of the course combines gentle physical skills with the knowledge gained on the first day. We feel very strongly that physical skills are the last resort and no matter how gentle they are, we would prefer not to use them at all. However, there are times when they may be necessary and so it is best to be proactive than having to react without preparation.
Day 3: The third day of the course allows plenty of time for practicing the approaches and physical skills together. The last element of the course involves learning to walk a client, who is in crisis, around in a supported and safe way, interrupting the sequence of the behaviour.
Day 1 of Managing Distressed Behaviour for Professionals is held according to demand.
Day 2 training is a prerequisite for Day 3.
Upcoming Managing Distressed Behaviour Sessions:
- New dates for this training to be announced soon.
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