Visual support strategies have been used to successfully support children, youth and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities for decades. Many are familiar with the use of visual schedules, but there are many ways in which visual support strategies can be used. These supports have been demonstrated to increase independent functioning, teach specific skills, improve environmental awareness, teach rules and social expectations, reduce problem behavior and so much more! There is a large body of research to support the use of these strategies with children, youth, and adults in home, school, community and employment settings.
Filmed at Picturing Success: Visual Support Strategies for Individuals with ASD – October 20-21, 2017
Brenda Fossett, PhD, BCBA-D, Capilano University
Dr. Brenda Fossett, BCBA-D, is an inspired teacher who is widely admired for her ability to convey complex concepts to those who work with children and adults with diverse needs, whether they are educational professionals or parent. Dr. Fossett has been on faculty in the Applied Behavior Analysis – Autism Department at Capilano University since 2013. Prior to that she was Assistant Professor (Special Education) in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta. She is also a certified teacher of the deaf, as well as being a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
Dr. Fossett has extensive clinical experience providing behavioral/educational consultative services to children with ASD, deafness, and other developmental disabilities in home, school, and community settings. Her scholarly and clinical interests include: applied behavior analysis, the implementation of positive behavior support in home and school settings, and educational interventions for deaf children with developmental disabilities. For more information on Dr. Fossett see
Introduction to Visual Support Strategies
Part 1: Overview of Visual Support Strategies
Part 2: What Does the Evidence Say?
- Object cues
- Difference between graphics symbols and PECS
- Selecting appropriate representations
Symbol Assessment Preparation, Formats, and Planning
Part 1: Symbol Assessment
- Preparing for a symbol assessment
Part 2: Symbol Assessment Formats
- Receptive Language Format
- Yes/No Format
- Visual Matching Format
- Conducting a symbol assessment
Part 3: Planning for the Future
- Other considerations
Part 4: Where to Get Symbols, Photographs, and Materials
Visual Supports Guide
Part 1: Visual Supports to Provide Information
- Environmental supports
Part 2: Visual Schedules
Part 3: Using an Object Cue Schedule
Part 4: Using Visual Schedules
- Embedding behavior support in visual schedules
- Time pieces in a visual schedule
Part 5: Using Visual Schedules (continued)
- Tablet-based visual schedules
- Teaching with a visual schedule
- Considerations when using visual schedules
Part 6: Visual Schedule Routines – with examples
- Within-activity visual schedules
- Examples include: Showering, After-school Routine, Transition Routine: School to Homework, Snack Routine at School, Dressing at the Pool, Making a Sandwich, Using the Bus, and Morning Routine
- Table-based within-activity schedules using Pictello
Part 7: Creating and Using Within-Activity Schedules
- Temporal and waiting supports in a visual schedule
- Using timers and track timers
Part 8: The Problem with Social Interactions and How Visual Supports Can Help
- Social narratives: Social Stories, Power Cards, Tablet-based social narratives
- Implementing social narratives
Part 9: Using Contingency Maps
Contingency maps are a visual support designed to provide information regarding the consequences for positive and problematic behavior.
Part 10: Rule Supports
Rule supports are a visual depiction of the rules. They can provide information regarding rules and assist with teaching individuals to follow rules.
Improving Communication with AAC
Part 1: Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
- Supporting expressive communication with AAC
Part 2: Expressive Communication using Choice Making
- Visual support strategies for choice making
- Using choice boards
Part 3: Improving Expressive Communications: Communication Boards & Books
Part 4: Improving Communication Using the Picture Exchange Communications System (PECS)
- Overview of PECS
- When PECS is appropriate
- Six phases of PECS instruction
Part 5: PECS in Daily Activities
- Examples of implementation
- At a restaurant
- During cooking
- Exchange-based communication support
Improving Conversation Skills
Part 1: Visual Support Strategies to Improve Conversation
- Conversation supports
- Visual bridges
- Conversation books
- Examples of visual bridges
Part 2: Improving Conversation Skills with Conversation Books
- Creating conversation books
- Teaching conversation book use
- Tablet-based conversation books
- Developing communication skills
Improving Skill Acquisition
Part 1: Improving Skill Acquisition with Video Modelling
- Definition: Video of a model demonstrating desired behavior
- Different types of video modelling
- Video modeling
- Video self-modeling
- Point-of-view video modeling
- Video prompting
- What can we teach with video modelling?
Part 2: Implementing Video Modelling
- Planning a video model
- Making the video
- Showing the video
- Apps for video modelling
Improving Literacy Skills
Part 1: Academic Activities & Literacy
- Access to academic activities
- Instruction guides
- Examples of lesson topics
- The periodic table
- Transportation in Canada
- Story guides: Examples with Tale of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Owls in the Family, Chocolate Fever, and Charlotte’s Web
Part 2: Adapted Stories for Read-Alouds
Add visual supports and adapted text to storybooks to improve access during read-alouds.
- Adapted story example: Caillou: Merry Christmas!
- Adapting story books and novels
- Question and answer activities
- Brainstorming for poem writing
- Lesson on healthy eating
- Graphic organizers
- Sort & classify
- Compare & contrast
Part 3: Graphic Organizers for Sequencing & Describing
- Examples of sequencing: Romeo & Juliet, The Little Red Hen, The Rainbow Fish, Turtle Hatching, The Mitten
- Examples of describing: The Rainbow Fish, Jack and the Beanstalk, Charlotte’s Web
Part 4: Visual Supports for Literacy Development
- Skills for literacy development
- Teaching comprehension of text
- Drawing to show comprehension
- Visual supports for writing
Considerations and Planning for Visual Supports
- Considering your purpose
- Determine the necessary representation and type of visual support needed
- Determine what type of visual support is most appropriate
- Creating your visual supports
- Advice for implementing & using visual support strategies in practice
Resources recommended by Dr. Fossett
Indiana Resource Center for Autism
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, Vanderbilt University
VCU Autism Center for Excellence
Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Excellence provides a number of online resources, including 45-minute webcasts, 30-minute seminars, and 5 minute ‘how to’ videos demonstrating a number of evidence-based interventions, including the use of visual supports. This website also provides guides and factsheets related to evidence-based interventions.
Design to Learn
Provides information and resources focused on early communication development, including the use of tangible symbols, with an emphasis on individuals with complex communication needs/dual-sensory impairments/etc.
- In the references/resources section of the handouts, there are links to two providers of online modules (Autism Internet Modules and AFIRM). There are also links for Mayer-Johnson (Boardmaker) and SymbolStix, as sources for symbols. The best place to buy Boardmaker in Canada is Bridges (prices in Canadian dollars and shipping from Canada).