Ready Set Coach: Supporting Children with ASD in Community Recreation

Filmed March 2014 – edited into 14 parts; total 224 minutes

This one day event is for recreation instructors and coaches who want to understand how to teach kids with autism in swimming lessons, skating programs, soccer programs, fitness instruction, and other community recreation activities. It will also be useful for parents who want to understand more about how to help their kids participate in community sports, and for PE teachers who want to know more about autism. The presentation includes an introduction to autism, outline different coaching strategies and provides an introduction to key skills and techniques that are proven to be successful with kids with autism. Dr. Jull discusses a number of case study examples in different types of sports and show many videos of coaches working effectively to teach kids with autism a variety of skills.

About the Presenter

Stephanie Jull, Ph.D., is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and completed her Ph.D. at UBC researching the impact of training staff in community-based recreation settings to support children with ASD in swimming lessons. Dr. Jull works as a Program Director with Canucks Autism Network.

Part 1: Introduction & About CAN (20:35)

Part 2: ASD and Characteristics in Rec Setting (27:08)

Part 3: Why Recreation Activities are Important and How Families Make Choices (14:53)

Part 4: Individual Support – Common Sense Strategies (12:37)

Part 5: Individual Support – Communication Strategies (20:15)

Part 6: Individual Support – Helping Strategies: Modeling, Physical Guidance, White Board (11:37)

Part 7: Individual Support – Motivate Strategies (15:22)

Part 8: Individual Support – Visual Support: Wait Card, Visual Cues (13:00)

Part 9: Individual Support – Visual Support: Contingency Maps, Token Board, Timer (12:12)

Part 10: Individual Support – Offer Choices, Social Story, Sensory Issue, Task Analysis (12:18)

Part 11: Review and Demo of Activities (15:13)

Part 12: Individual Support – Video Modeling & Use of Technology (18:29)

Part 13: Challenging Behavior & Group Coaching (18:41)

Part 14: Staff Training & Ending (11:12)


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