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Study on video games, music and Autism

Project end date: April 30, 2025

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Researchers at the University of Montreal are evaluating the effect of video games on children’s rhythmic abilities and cognition. The game is a mobile app for tablet and smartphone. Participants should meet these criteria:

  • Age between 7-13 years old.
  • Understand English and/or French.
  • Be non-musician (have less than two years of formal musical training).
  • Have a normal sight and hearing (or corrected to normal).
  • Have an ASD diagnosis, without comorbidities (mention this in email).
  • Live anywhere in Canada

$50 compensation is provided for your child’s participation, which includes: playing an entertaining game on tablet from home (2h30/week for 2 weeks), plus two sessions of video conference (about 90 & 45 minutes each) to help prepare for the game and complete questionnaires and online tasks.

Please contact the research team to to confirm your eligibility by email at [email protected].