View all Research Projects

Everyday Experiences and Communication

Project end date: April 30, 2025

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Researchers at Western University are interested in what people know about common events and how people communicate. They are looking for autistic and non-autistic adults and children to participate in an online study.

Who can participate?

  • Adults (18 and older) who are autistic or non-autistic
  • Children (aged 9-17) who are autistic or non-autistic, and their parents/guardians
  • Participants must be English speakers.

What is involved?

The study has three parts: 1. Filling out personality/behaviour questionnaires. (For children under 18, this would be completed by a parent or guardian.); 2. Completing a task about ordering the steps people do during common events (like going to the movies); 3. Having a Zoom call for language and knowledge tasks with the researcher.

Participants will answer questions about words, sentences, and pictures. A device with a reliable internet connection would be needed for the study. In total, the study may take up to 3 hours. Participants will be given $30 CAD for participating in the study. If you (or your child) want to participate or have questions, please email Kara Hannah at [email protected].