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Dating, Relationships, Sexual Health Education and Service Needs Study
Project end date: September 23, 2023
The Sex Information & Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN), a not-for-profit organization that promotes sexual health in Canada, is running focus groups with autistic youth and youth with physical disabilities between 16 and 24 years old to better understand their dating and relationship experiences and also what sexual health information and services they need. What SIECCAN learns from these discussions will help them develop resources for service providers who work with autistic and/or disabled youth to improve sexual health promotion.
The focus groups for autistic youth are happening September 22 at 7pm ET (all Autistic youth) and September 23 at 7pm ET (Autistic youth who are Black, Indigenous, or people of color) online via Zoom. Participants will be given $75 as a thank you for their time and input.
Interested participants should email Wisdom2Action at [email protected].
Posted on July 14, 2023