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Exploring autistic experiences in, and perspectives on speech-language therapy: A Survey

Project end date: April 30, 2025

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Researchers from Western University are seeking autistic adults and parents/caregivers of autistic individuals residing in Canada for participation in a brief survey to share their experiences and opinions regarding speech-language pathology (SLP) services for autistic children and youth. Participants will have the opportunity to be compensated for their participation.

This project aims to explore: (a) the lived-experience of autistic individuals and their families who have received speech and language therapy services, and (b) autistic individuals’ and families’ current values and needs for optimal SLP service delivery for autistic clients. A cross-sectional anonymous, online survey will be distributed to autistic persons (18 years+) and parents of autistic children who have received SLP services and currently reside in Canada. Survey findings will inform the development of a comprehensive, community partner-informed Guidance Document for Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) who work with autistic children and youth. Click here to complete the survey.

Contact principal investigator Dr. Amanda Binns, PhD, SLP-CCC for more information [email protected].