Filmed May 2020
Parents of children with developmental disabilities experience higher levels of stress than parents of typically developing children. During the current pandemic, these feelings of stress have been further heightened for the many parents who are getting few breaks as they care for their children. In this webinar, a structured discussion between Dr. Fawcett and Dr. Anthony Bailey, Susan will provide some practical tips and strategies to help parents reduce their stress, including a discussion of the importance of self-care, cognitive reframing strategies, and a mindfulness practice.
This webinar is relevant to parents with children of all ages who have developmental disabilities of varying types (e.g., autism, Down syndrome).
Susan Fawcett, PhD, RSLP
Director of Therapy, Behaviour & Family Support at the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation
Anthony Bailey, M.D., Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of British Columbia
Supplemental Resources:
Practical Tips for Helping Families Reduce Stress Handout
Video Sponsor
The production of this video has been sponsored by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA) at the University of British Columbia.
ACT is gathering information to support families during the COVID-19 crisis, including resources specific to those who are neuro-diverse and useful general resources. Our COVID-19 Resources page will be updated as new resources come in.