Day 1 Handouts
- Keynote: Jonathan Weiss, PhD, CPsych – Addressing Mental Health in Autism: Should we Treat the Person with ASD, the Family or the Community?
- ASD Mental Health Blog
- Article: Priority service needs and receipt across the lifespan for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Lai, J. and Weiss, J., Autism Research, published online April 6, 2017.
- Grace Iarocci, PhD, RPsych – The Relationship between Anxiety and Social Competence
- Rashmeen Nirmal, PhD, RPsych – Mental Health in Post-Secondary Education: What is It Like for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and What Does the Research Say?
- Krista Johnston, MA – Implementing Modified CBT in a Group Format to Treat Anxiety in Children with ASD: Insights for Parents, Clinicians, and Researchers
- Emy Silletta, BA & Erin Harmuth, BA – Towards a Model of Employment Support for Adults with ASD
- Katelyn Lowe, PhD, RPsych & Veronica Smith, PhD – The Road to Adulthood: CAUTION! Potholes Ahead
- Rae Morris, MSW, RCSW – Not Criminally Responsible: Autism and Forensic Healthcare
Day 2 Handouts
- Keynote: Christopher Gillberg, MD, PhD – ESSENCE* – Early Recognition of ASD and Associated Disorders Can Lead to Better Outcomes
- Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre webpage
- Link to screening questionnaires
- Blog post: “Normal is way overrated!”
- Some notes on Anorexia nervosa
- Ainsley Boudreau, PhD – Treating Selective Mutism in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Anthony Bailey, MBBS, DCH, MRCPsych, FRCPsych – Role of Medication in the Management of ASD
- Dori Zener, MSW, RSW – Practical Strategies for Supporting Mental Wellness of Teenage Girls and Women with ASD
- Spoon Theory link
- Panel discussion: Challenges for Moving Forward – Adapting Existing Therapies for Individuals with ASD