Vancouver Island University (VIU)

Workplace Essential Skills Training (WEST)

WEST is a two year, full-time workplace skills and experience program for neurodiverse adults (age 17+) with special needs, developmental disabilities or learning disabilities. Students gain valuable workplace and essential skills while working in a variety of community businesses and studying at VIU. Our students find employment in various settings such as Customer Service, Retail, Hospitality, Food Service, Child Care and Senior Care. Each September, new cohorts start in Nanaimo and Duncan, and we accept applications throughout the year.

Additional Details

Type of Resource: Postsecondary Training & Employment

Type of Recreational Activity:


Languages: English

Subjects: Education, Employment

Age Range: Youth & Young Adults (13-25), Adults (19+)

Contact Information

Phone: 250-746-3543

Position: Cowichan Campus, Instructor/Coordinator

, Duncan and Nanaimo, BC

Region: Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands & Sunshine Coast