Stars for Life Foundation for Autism

Support for autistic young adults

The Stars for Life Foundation for Autism supports autistic young adults toward full inclusion in their community. They offer day programming, housing, and educational resources. 

Day programming is offered to autistic youth and adults on a one-to-one basis and may include life skills development, employment services, recreation, or other options. They offer support groups for families, training for professionals and educators, and support in getting a diagnosis and navigating government services. 

Independent and supported living arrangements are offered at their combined residence-resource centre that also hosts a resource lending library. 

Additional Details

Mandate: "The Foundation is committed to creating a quality of life for young people with autism spectrum disorder, fully included in their community; with a commitment to continued education, life and job skills training and inclusion."

Type of Resource: Community Agency

Services: Employment services, Family support, Living support, Recreation for Adults, Support Group, Training

Languages: English

Age Range: Youth & Young Adults (13-25), Adulthood (19+)

Target Users: Autistic, disabled, & neurodiverse people, Families & caregivers, Educators, Professionals

Contact Information

Phone: 1 (902) 894-9286

23 Maypoint Road, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Region: Queens County