Individual & Family Counselling
Individual and family counselling services for adults, children and youth. Services support child’s growth and ability to develop their strengths to overcome their challenges.
Family counselling services aide in maintaining a high level of family functioning while learning how to support the family’s diverse needs.
Counselling services for adults include individual, couple and family counselling services.
Additional Details
Mandate: TherapyWorks provides a wide range of services to adults, children and youth with mental health, developmental, learning, and behavioural needs. [Website]
Credentials: Services are provided by individual and family based care team of Counsellors, Art Therapist, Youth Development Workers, Social Workers, Tutors and Life Skills Workers.
Type of Resource: Service Provider
Type of Recreational Activity:
Languages: English
Subjects: Mental Health
Age Range: All Ages (0-100)
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 778-220-7707
330 Seymour Street, Kamloops, BC
Region: Thompson Okanagan